Top 10% of Approved Contractors
Posted on 6th September 2022 at 14:17
CAVA Security Services Ltd are still in the top 10% of SIA ACS companies after our recent audit. A massive well done to all our staff for continuing to provide a level of service better than the other 90%!
But, why you should choose an SIA approved contractor?
When you hire a private security company you have a choice between one that is an approved contractor or a company that is not approved.
Quality assured by the industry regulator
The Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) provides a recognised hallmark of quality within the private security industry.
They assess us against 78 different areas of our business. These cover topics as diverse as staff training, financial management and the company’s health and safety policies.
When you choose CAVA Security Services, you can be sure that we have passed a thorough quality assurance check.
A commitment to quality
The Approved Contractor Scheme is a voluntary scheme. Any company that is part of the scheme has chosen take part.
The ACS is a progressive quality standard. That means they continually raise the standard that we must meet in order to be approved.
How does the scoring system work?
We are scored against 78 achievement indicators. These cover topics as diverse as staff training, financial management and the company’s health and safety policies.
The pass mark for each indicator is the required achievement level, so a positive score (like +1) shows that we are doing more than we need to.
The maximum overall score that can a company can achieve is 145.
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