Counter Terrorism Policing’s Winter Campaign
Posted on 24th November 2022 at 16:56
We’re supporting Counter Terrorism Policing’s winter vigilance campaign
We’re supporting Counter Terrorism Policing’s campaign which aims to encourage everyone to look out for each other this winter and help keep everyone safe.
Together we want everyone to trust their instincts and report anything that doesn’t feel right. And this includes all of you.
You can play a vital role in helping to keep each other safe. You know your surroundings better than anyone else and you know if something isn’t right. This doesn’t just apply to work but on your commute and where you live too.
Let’s look out for each other by:
• Staying alert and trusting your instincts
• If you see or hear something that doesn’t feel right at work call our Cava Security Control on 01527 599966. In an emergency call 999.
• Complete the free Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) e-learning NaCTSO - Counter Terrorism Awareness - PoweredByFrog(
Let’s keep each other safe this winter

Tagged as: Cava Security, Counter Terrorism Campaign
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